It's Corona Time :(
Dear readers,
My oh my what a crazy past couple weeks it has been - and the crazy is no way close to over yet. While I am not laid off at the moment it felt like I came very close and I am being extremely cautious about my feelings of hope and reassurance.
A thousand million things have been running through my mind, including the possibility of being forced to move again, forced to freelance whatever I can. It's terrifying and I know I'm not the only one.
Another thought I've been reflecting on is my future. This coronavirus... this mass panic... is going to become my life on a daily basis if I have a child with the disorder I carry. It's not like I already knew that, and grew up with that mentality that any germ, virus or bacteria, could be fatal, therefore CANNOT be passed around.
Obviously I am one of the likely candidates to survive catching this virus, but I know several people in my life who would not be which is why social distancing is a must for everyone. You really can't know what you've touched and where it's been. As time continues, the virus will continue to spread, and much faster if people continue to go out and about wherever anyone else goes.
Here are some tips from me, someone who grew up with a family member with a primary immunodeficiency (and parent who is a doctor):
My oh my what a crazy past couple weeks it has been - and the crazy is no way close to over yet. While I am not laid off at the moment it felt like I came very close and I am being extremely cautious about my feelings of hope and reassurance.
A thousand million things have been running through my mind, including the possibility of being forced to move again, forced to freelance whatever I can. It's terrifying and I know I'm not the only one.

Obviously I am one of the likely candidates to survive catching this virus, but I know several people in my life who would not be which is why social distancing is a must for everyone. You really can't know what you've touched and where it's been. As time continues, the virus will continue to spread, and much faster if people continue to go out and about wherever anyone else goes.
Here are some tips from me, someone who grew up with a family member with a primary immunodeficiency (and parent who is a doctor):
- Treat any kind of germ as the possible COVID-19 virus. You do not have to be paranoid-- just extremely conscious of your choices and movement.
- Do not share food. Do not share drinks. Do not share, period.
- Open doors with your elbows, your body, anything but your hands.
- When you go grocery shopping, make a selection and put it in your basket. Do not touch multiple objects while searching for something. Seriously! This is for your benefit and the benefit of others.
- Avoid touching your face. I know this is the hardest one because I struggle with the most out of everything else. Find other ways to fix that itchy nose! If you need to blow your nose as much as I do because of allergies, throw your tissues immediately into the trash when you're done using it- don't set it down anywhere else (I know that might seem obvious but I blow my nose so much I often re-use tissues so this is in case you're like me and need the reminder)!
- Avoid touching your face can also mean avoid doing make-up. Even if your mascara has a wand, you are bringing your hands to your face. Just give it up for a while.
- Basic human hygiene. I know, obvious, right? Well, for those who get depressed and anxious easily like me, it's not always easy. Sometimes I need that reminder to take a shower and brush my teeth. So go do that! Brush your teeth! Every! Day!
- No hugging, kissing, shaking hands... Social-distancing is now your friend. Sorry, extroverts!
- If you've been in contact with someone who has the possibility of having the virus it could be wise to wear a mask in case you've caught it as well, but otherwise it will likely not be beneficial to you. I would only wear the mask to avoid spreading whatever you have to anyone else, unless you absolutely HAVE to be in close quarters with others (like on a plane or train).
- Don't consume anything that will inhibit your ability to make good choices (like alcohol, for example). One, they don't help your immune system, and two, you may make choices you will lead you to either spreading germs or catching the virus yourself and then spreading more germs.
- If you have to go to work like me, practice all of the above. Cough into your elbow if you need to clear your throat. Avoid touching anything if you don't have to. You don't have to look like a paranoid maniac, like using tissues to hold things or wear gloves all day. Just make sure you clean your space often, wipe down surfaces that you and others often touch, etc. Wipe down your phone as much as you wash your hands, if not more. Be a little more conscious of everyone around you. Be a little more considerate to everyone around you.
- and of course, WASH YOUR HANDS. Do it every couple of hours! Especially if you still have to work :'( Turn on the faucet with your elbow. You will master elbow skills by the end of this.

Lastly, if you do end up catching the coronavirus... I am sorry. It will suck tremendously. The flu sucks, but this sucks a little more. Get lots of sleep. Drink lots of water. Don't overexert yourself. I know I always need that reminder that "it's okay if you don't accomplish any tasks today". If I was forced to stay home I would feel obligated to work on personal projects, even if I was sick. Listen to me, future self! It's okay to rest. In fact, I'm encouraging you to do absolutely nothing but essential life tasks (like washing the dishes). If you need help, don't be afraid to reach out to others. I know it's a scary time and no one really wants to go outside but listen: if someone I knew got sick and needed groceries? I would go out and buy groceries for them. Someone can do the same for you, I know it.
Be safe, friends... and practice good health.
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