MultiMouse, The Miraculous Superhero I Need To Be!
Hello, friends!
My new job is kickin' my butt! I have come to learn that while everything in the company is a priority and due yesterday, my job is basically the "briscola" of the company. Thank you brother #2 for teaching us that Italian card game so I could use is it as an analogy. Basically, it means that while anything could be a priority... my job always takes precedence.
Now that I've learned all of the how-to's, I have some real responsibility now. My job has strict deadlines that overlap and I have to make sure that everything is done right and on time, which is why it is the "briscola". I haven't felt comfortable enough yet to do everything on my own without someone checking to make sure I've done it properly, but I'm getting there. It has definitely been overwhelming and I've had to keep a daily checklist at my desk to pull up any time I wasn't sure what to do if I had a random moment where I wasn't doing anything. I've already had a few mini anxiety attacks, no big deal! HAH.
I'm not allowed to dilly-dally because there is always something I could be working on and I have to make sure if I don't know something or am uncertain, I have to ask. Otherwise, it may get lost in the jumbled overlapping schedules and that would be Very Not Good.
I am grateful that my job entails more than just sitting in my cubicle all day, I do have to get up and walk all over the place, whether it's to get paperwork signed off, delivering paperwork, making boxes, filling boxes, adding boxes to the pallet in the warehouse, asking questions from people in the warehouse or in the office upstairs, or just going upstairs to eat lunch!
I think the primary frustrating aspect of this position is communicating with people outside the building over the phone because a lot of my job is fulfilling people's requests from outside the building but they often do not communicate precisely what they want so I have to play a game:
What is the best way to word my question to get them to answer exactly the information I require?
Turns out I'm still not good at that yet because I've had to do a number of email exchanges and phone calls to acquire the information.
I'm still absorbing a lot every day, and sometimes reabsorbing because the day before it didn't absorb very well, but my manager said I've been doing well so far and I'm getting the hang of it. For the first time I think I finally feel capable of my position, despite the overwhelming aspect. I'm still grasping the idea I have a Very Important Job That Several People All Over The Country And Canada Rely On, but I'm sure it'll sink in eventually.
Meanwhile my illustration and writing has been at its less than bare minimum. Because I finally moved into my very own first apartment I haven't had time to catch up on what I need for the SCBWI NYC Conference that's Very Soon. The tendonitis in my arms is still quite apparent, my back is doing much better but still not normal, and my apartment, while I may finally have a bed... I still have to organize and unpack quite a number of things. There are also so many things I don't have yet like...chairs.
Anyway. At least I got my oil changed.
My new job is kickin' my butt! I have come to learn that while everything in the company is a priority and due yesterday, my job is basically the "briscola" of the company. Thank you brother #2 for teaching us that Italian card game so I could use is it as an analogy. Basically, it means that while anything could be a priority... my job always takes precedence.
Now that I've learned all of the how-to's, I have some real responsibility now. My job has strict deadlines that overlap and I have to make sure that everything is done right and on time, which is why it is the "briscola". I haven't felt comfortable enough yet to do everything on my own without someone checking to make sure I've done it properly, but I'm getting there. It has definitely been overwhelming and I've had to keep a daily checklist at my desk to pull up any time I wasn't sure what to do if I had a random moment where I wasn't doing anything. I've already had a few mini anxiety attacks, no big deal! HAH.

I am grateful that my job entails more than just sitting in my cubicle all day, I do have to get up and walk all over the place, whether it's to get paperwork signed off, delivering paperwork, making boxes, filling boxes, adding boxes to the pallet in the warehouse, asking questions from people in the warehouse or in the office upstairs, or just going upstairs to eat lunch!
I think the primary frustrating aspect of this position is communicating with people outside the building over the phone because a lot of my job is fulfilling people's requests from outside the building but they often do not communicate precisely what they want so I have to play a game:
What is the best way to word my question to get them to answer exactly the information I require?
Turns out I'm still not good at that yet because I've had to do a number of email exchanges and phone calls to acquire the information.
I'm still absorbing a lot every day, and sometimes reabsorbing because the day before it didn't absorb very well, but my manager said I've been doing well so far and I'm getting the hang of it. For the first time I think I finally feel capable of my position, despite the overwhelming aspect. I'm still grasping the idea I have a Very Important Job That Several People All Over The Country And Canada Rely On, but I'm sure it'll sink in eventually.
Meanwhile my illustration and writing has been at its less than bare minimum. Because I finally moved into my very own first apartment I haven't had time to catch up on what I need for the SCBWI NYC Conference that's Very Soon. The tendonitis in my arms is still quite apparent, my back is doing much better but still not normal, and my apartment, while I may finally have a bed... I still have to organize and unpack quite a number of things. There are also so many things I don't have yet like...chairs.
Anyway. At least I got my oil changed.
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