Uncertainty Can Lead To Divine Providence
Some of you may not believe in divine providence, but hear me out: Miracles Exist.
Sometime less than a month ago my landlord decided to terminate my lease. While I was trying to find a way to move out of this house already, it came as a bit of a shock and with bucketful of new anxiety. When I finally accepted that I had enough money saved I could stay at an airbnb for a month or two while I figure things out, no less than 15 minutes later I learn that I have family that are more than willing to house me and help me out until I find a new job and a new place to live. Not only that, I had a job interview last week. All I had to do was accept my fate and then God just jumps right in with grace.
It is still overwhelming that I will be moving states in approximately a month. I've lived in this area for about 3 years and it has become a good home to me. I've made so many friends and have become a unique part of the community in the swing dancing here and also in my parish. I don't think it has quite hit me yet that I will be leaving. There will be some things I will not miss, such as the insane traffic here, the commute I have to work. I will not miss being far away from my s/o. I will not miss my micromanaging landlord or the house I live in now with a housemate that has stolen the majority of my forks and spoons. I will not miss working on Saturdays. But I know I will miss almost everything else. I could even see myself moving back here eventually, but I feel my heart reaching out west.
So what are my hopes exactly for my new adventure?

It is still overwhelming that I will be moving states in approximately a month. I've lived in this area for about 3 years and it has become a good home to me. I've made so many friends and have become a unique part of the community in the swing dancing here and also in my parish. I don't think it has quite hit me yet that I will be leaving. There will be some things I will not miss, such as the insane traffic here, the commute I have to work. I will not miss being far away from my s/o. I will not miss my micromanaging landlord or the house I live in now with a housemate that has stolen the majority of my forks and spoons. I will not miss working on Saturdays. But I know I will miss almost everything else. I could even see myself moving back here eventually, but I feel my heart reaching out west.
So what are my hopes exactly for my new adventure?
- Considering where I could end up, I will likely be starting out with an extremely minimal social life. I.E., not much dancing (sad). With that I hope to reflect more, and heal. My body is tired. I should swim and do more yoga. And pray. I hope to achieve a healthier phyiscal, mental, and spiritual life. I know that only starts when I make the commitment to doing so, but hey, here's to hoping.
- Spending more time with my s/o is something I look forward to. We've never had the opportunity to live so close - I'm excited to explore and do interesting and boring things with him. I hope that our relationships grows deeper as we discern our future in marriage.
- Today is Sunday, and for the first time at this parish I finally signed up to be a lector. It's sad that this will be only time I will read for Mass here, but I hope to lector at my next parish, and that I sign up sooner than this time around.
- If I get a part-time job, I'm hoping to balance that well with my personal work / side business of my Etsy and my illustrations. I hope I can become a vendor at a local community market perhaps, or at least participate in unique events that can promote my art.
- If I manage to get a full time job, I hope to have a short commute so that I have more time to breathe, to relax, and to manage my time on working on my own art in a better way. I really want to write and illustrate more. I want to work on my goal of becoming a children's book illustrator.
- I hope to connect more with my dad's side of the family since they live about the area I am moving to. I'm not good at reaching out, nor do I feel like I fit in super well, but why not? I'll be next door, and we're related. We can be friends.
- I'm hoping to be able to live on my own in my own apartment. I'm unsure what I'll be able to afford but if I get a full-time job with benefits, it's an actual possibility.
- I'm hoping I can explore more creative ideas and projects that are my list of to-dos. Remember when I had a Youtube Channel? I'd like to something like that again, but different. I've taken up embroidery, but I'd like to get better at it. I'd like to explore more mediums of painting and illustration, especially with collage. I hope I will be able to set up my own studio space where I live, separate from my bedroom.
- I hope to be more organized. To those of you who know me well enough, you probably just laughed at that statement, but I will have you know!! that I! have! IMPROVED!!! And it's a slow, ongoing improvement, but I know I think better when my mind isn't clutter, AND when my life, my room, isn't cluttered. So I am trying.
- I hope to continue to lead a more Franciscan lifestyle, ie, a simple one. I am currently deciding what I am taking with me and what I am discarding. It is hard to let go sometimes.
- I hope to read more, go outside more, and SLEEP MORE. I really want to go to bed early and wake up early, but it is So Challenging To Do That.
Anyway, I overshared a little bit. Tell me, what do you have hope for in your next adventure?
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