Breaking Bars
Hello readers,

For those of you who have been here for my entire car disaster saga - thanks for being there for me, it had been a long three months. I am glad to let you know the saga is basically over. I have a car that is registered and I am not totally broke... but I am indeed poor. I wish I had enough money to not feel guilty about buying things I had also been saving for (namely, a printer) but alas that can't happen for a while.
While the car saga being over is a major relief, and I have no commissions looming over me at the moment, right now I am trying to stay focused on applying for jobs (with benefits and a real salary). I do enjoy my day job as a custom picture framer it now barely covers my bills and I have cheap as hell rent so that's saying a lot! So... I am still aboard the stress wagon despite my life being made easier with my instant transportation.
I've completed two new cards for this month but haven't gotten to printing them yet because I want to find a new printing place which means I need quotes which means I need to make my illustrations digital.
Recently I've had a few inspirational ideas in terms of writing, unfortunately, not about Chance the FGM of course, because why have one work-in-progress when you have twenty of them!
I would really like to write a story that involves falling into an alternate dimension of the Midwest but the audience really isn't quite sure if it is actually an alternate dimension. In this alternate dimension of the Midwest includes that one idea I saw on the internets (specifically Tumblr of course) that what if there was a white suburban mom version of Breaking Bad but instead of meth they were making soap.
I got really into this idea so I starting writing a lot more about it. It would be called "Breaking Bars" or ... "Soap Opera", or something else if I come up with something else for it. I have already come up with a few character ideas and I am always open to suggestions, I just really like the idea of making this into a graphic novel, really dark and harsh contrasts with maybe very limited color if any at all. The concept is this: There is a neighborhood in the middle of nowhere ( far from any Whole Foods or actual farmer's market) and the school or park or whatever has banned arts and crafts fairs and/or farmer's markets for Real Reasons, either financial or bad behavoir from past participants... something Went Wrong before. So, there is an underground arts and crafts black market of sorts all run and organized by a self-appointed group of women (mainly moms) in the neighborhood. The fathers are nearly all oblivious, the children are about 50/50, some are used for delivery and/or passive aggressive tactics. I would really like to make a list of what are the hot items and not-as-hot items in this black market, but obviously SOAP is a big one. We all know handmade soap is one, expensive, but also two, can be very artistic and made to look like crystals and such, I mean, soap could be made to look like ANYTHING so perhaps... perhAPS the black market is actually ONLY soap, and no other item is really a hot item. I don't know. I figure candles could be, or alpaca wool knit fancy items or bath bombs or .... I don't know. This is still in the idea stage, obviously.
Anyways: Characters!
Karen: the ill one making soap who is probably widowed or divorced and is teaching
Tiffany: the new-ish mom on the block, who is actually a young stepmom (I think of Honey from Fresh Off The Boat) and majority of moms dislike her because she's young and her husband is significantly older and I'm not sure what her stepchild will be like, but she is under Karen's wing more or less because no one else really likes Karen much either, but everyone is secretly a little afraid of Karen.
Librarian in the town: has the black book of everyone and everything in the soap black market. No one knows if she is truly involved or not, but she is the Know-All. She is probably the most mysterious character.
Past Life Druglord Character: there is a woman living in the neighborhood in protective custody essentially because in the past she was a major druglord in a big city somewhere and became a police informant but now has to lay low. None of the moms take her seriously even though she knows everything about dealing on the black market with drugs and whatever.
Ideas? Send em to me, I want to add on.

For those of you who have been here for my entire car disaster saga - thanks for being there for me, it had been a long three months. I am glad to let you know the saga is basically over. I have a car that is registered and I am not totally broke... but I am indeed poor. I wish I had enough money to not feel guilty about buying things I had also been saving for (namely, a printer) but alas that can't happen for a while.
While the car saga being over is a major relief, and I have no commissions looming over me at the moment, right now I am trying to stay focused on applying for jobs (with benefits and a real salary). I do enjoy my day job as a custom picture framer it now barely covers my bills and I have cheap as hell rent so that's saying a lot! So... I am still aboard the stress wagon despite my life being made easier with my instant transportation.

Recently I've had a few inspirational ideas in terms of writing, unfortunately, not about Chance the FGM of course, because why have one work-in-progress when you have twenty of them!
I would really like to write a story that involves falling into an alternate dimension of the Midwest but the audience really isn't quite sure if it is actually an alternate dimension. In this alternate dimension of the Midwest includes that one idea I saw on the internets (specifically Tumblr of course) that what if there was a white suburban mom version of Breaking Bad but instead of meth they were making soap.
I got really into this idea so I starting writing a lot more about it. It would be called "Breaking Bars" or ... "Soap Opera", or something else if I come up with something else for it. I have already come up with a few character ideas and I am always open to suggestions, I just really like the idea of making this into a graphic novel, really dark and harsh contrasts with maybe very limited color if any at all. The concept is this: There is a neighborhood in the middle of nowhere ( far from any Whole Foods or actual farmer's market) and the school or park or whatever has banned arts and crafts fairs and/or farmer's markets for Real Reasons, either financial or bad behavoir from past participants... something Went Wrong before. So, there is an underground arts and crafts black market of sorts all run and organized by a self-appointed group of women (mainly moms) in the neighborhood. The fathers are nearly all oblivious, the children are about 50/50, some are used for delivery and/or passive aggressive tactics. I would really like to make a list of what are the hot items and not-as-hot items in this black market, but obviously SOAP is a big one. We all know handmade soap is one, expensive, but also two, can be very artistic and made to look like crystals and such, I mean, soap could be made to look like ANYTHING so perhaps... perhAPS the black market is actually ONLY soap, and no other item is really a hot item. I don't know. I figure candles could be, or alpaca wool knit fancy items or bath bombs or .... I don't know. This is still in the idea stage, obviously.
Anyways: Characters!
Karen: the ill one making soap who is probably widowed or divorced and is teaching
Tiffany: the new-ish mom on the block, who is actually a young stepmom (I think of Honey from Fresh Off The Boat) and majority of moms dislike her because she's young and her husband is significantly older and I'm not sure what her stepchild will be like, but she is under Karen's wing more or less because no one else really likes Karen much either, but everyone is secretly a little afraid of Karen.
Librarian in the town: has the black book of everyone and everything in the soap black market. No one knows if she is truly involved or not, but she is the Know-All. She is probably the most mysterious character.
Past Life Druglord Character: there is a woman living in the neighborhood in protective custody essentially because in the past she was a major druglord in a big city somewhere and became a police informant but now has to lay low. None of the moms take her seriously even though she knows everything about dealing on the black market with drugs and whatever.
Ideas? Send em to me, I want to add on.
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