Did I Mention The Bus Was Late?

As I continue my journey into this middle earth of adulthood (because let's be real, we ain't ever returning to the shire of childhood *sob*), I realize each time as I make them that I can make any choice I want. I can face the consequences or relish in the right, or even sometimes hang around in the ambiguous. Most often it's that last one. There are so many things I still don't know yet.
One thing I do know though is that if we all made our choices out of love, the world might be a better place, even if it means those choices being a little crazy. Love can make you do crazy things. I'd like to take this time to share with you all of the crazy things I have done for love or out of love simply because I'd like to remind myself what I am thankful for.
Maybe you can try some of them too.
- Take a multiple hour Megabus trip just to visit a special somebody for only like, a day and a half and then get back on another multiple hour Megabus trip only to wake up the next morning to go to work (also the bus was quite late thanks to daylights savings).
- Call someone to just see how they are doing
- Plan out a surprise visit
- Stay late to just to spend time with someone, even if it means your body will regret it later
- Listen to your roommate despite having disagreements
- Go to confession before work even if it means waking up before 6:30am
- Go to confession after work even if it means rushing down the escalator and racing up the hill to get there before 6pm and then going home later than usual.
- Going to a dance to see your friends even if you're completely exhausted from the whole week
- Nearly spontaneously buy plane tickets to visit your hometown with your s/o
- Send pictures to your grandmother
- Write a letter to your family
- Record all family road trips with a video camera
- Keep a vlog while you travel so your family can still see your face while you're away
- Keep a journal to hold memories that mean a lot to you
- Sit in Adoration
- Sharing honest constructive advice
- Schedule a video chat with a close friend you rarely talk to
- Bring flowers with you on a multiple hour Megabus trip to visit that special someone even though you know you gotta make sure they don't die along the way
- Accept people for who and where they are even if your desires aren't the same as theirs
- Go to a sports game with that special somebody because you know how it makes them happy
- Teach your students by meeting them where they are
- Wait in line for 6 hours with a friend for barbeque
- Reach out to an internet friend who has experienced loss
- Volunteer to be the spokesperson for the group who struggle with confrontation
- Keeping promises you struggle to keep
- Choosing to do the right thing even though you are tempted to the wrong thing
- Apologizing when you're wrong
- Saying thank you
Life is full of love if you're willing to notice. Some say love is blind. I suppose that's true. We need the blind in order to see.
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