"I Know Jogging Is Good For You, But God, At What Cost?!"
My Dear Readers,
I have a PSA:
It is possible to do Too Much.
Recently I was diagnosed with Bicipital Groove Tenonitis, which just means I've been overworking my right arm to the point where I couldn't sleep because of the pain it caused and I could not pick up even small things without wincing. I went on like this for an entire month thinking it would just "go away"... It did not just go away. It is something I am still actively trying to mend.
By day I am a custom picture framer and since I am a NEW custom picture framer and am not the greatest at taking care of myself, I wore out my non-dominant-although-usually-stronger arm, while my dominant arm is hanging on by a limb (ha). One doesn't really come to appreciate how much they need certain body parts to not only to make a living and do what you love, but also basic necessities, like, taking off a sweater, or pouring yourself a glass of juice. Every time something as simple as that would cause my arm pain I'd respond to my arm with, "Hey, I NEED you for that!" and my arm would reply"OW PLS STOP".
So I am working on this whole self-care business with plenty of stretching and other various exercises to both relax and strengthen my body.
If you ever have had a long commute and little pay and little time off, you might get it that taking care of my body has been rather low on the priority list. Food, sleep, keeping in touch with people I love, making art... even writing fell off the list as you can see from the time gap in my blog. Exercise was never a top priority because,
1, to quote Ann from Parks and Rec, "I know jogging is good for you, but God, at what cost?!"
2, dancing is never conveniently timed or located for me, and
3, paying for the gym is too much. I can keep adding to list, trust me, but you UNDERSTAND I am not just a lazy bum who hates exercise, right? There are just so many more important things to do other than exercise that finally over time my body has begun paying its dues.
It's important to be healthy if you want to do the things you want to do, but even more importantly one needs to be healthy to do the things you have to do.
So my dear readers, please take care of yourselves. Go on that walk. Go to that yoga class. Go have a dance party by yourself. But most importantly, don't overdo it. Your body doesn't deserve it.
I have a PSA:
It is possible to do Too Much.
Recently I was diagnosed with Bicipital Groove Tenonitis, which just means I've been overworking my right arm to the point where I couldn't sleep because of the pain it caused and I could not pick up even small things without wincing. I went on like this for an entire month thinking it would just "go away"... It did not just go away. It is something I am still actively trying to mend.

So I am working on this whole self-care business with plenty of stretching and other various exercises to both relax and strengthen my body.
If you ever have had a long commute and little pay and little time off, you might get it that taking care of my body has been rather low on the priority list. Food, sleep, keeping in touch with people I love, making art... even writing fell off the list as you can see from the time gap in my blog. Exercise was never a top priority because,
1, to quote Ann from Parks and Rec, "I know jogging is good for you, but God, at what cost?!"
2, dancing is never conveniently timed or located for me, and
3, paying for the gym is too much. I can keep adding to list, trust me, but you UNDERSTAND I am not just a lazy bum who hates exercise, right? There are just so many more important things to do other than exercise that finally over time my body has begun paying its dues.
It's important to be healthy if you want to do the things you want to do, but even more importantly one needs to be healthy to do the things you have to do.
So my dear readers, please take care of yourselves. Go on that walk. Go to that yoga class. Go have a dance party by yourself. But most importantly, don't overdo it. Your body doesn't deserve it.
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