I Ain't No Pinterest Mom

I cleaned up my studio space area in the attic but now that it has gotten colder it is difficult to work up there since there is no heat up there. My roommate and I are talking about getting a space heater, as long as we're careful about using it.
Another recent artistic endeavor that has come to me is candle making. I collect jars mainly to hold things like pencils or water for painting, but I've collected quite a few now and I think it would be a fun gift giving idea to make my own candles in jars. I've been doing plenty of research on the best and cheapest ways to go about it and so far I am excited! I don't really have the materials yet besides the jars but that's okay because on Freecycle I posted a request for wax and this week I shall be picking up several materials! For free! Because people are just... NICE!! I'm pretty excited, not going to lie. There a still some things I'm going to purchase though. I am thinking of using wood wicks (using popsicle sticks) and I need to get some fragrances I prefer and some cheap crayons for color. There was a recipe that said you could use Crisco instead of wax and I will consider it once I run out of the soy wax and beeswax that I'll be getting this week. I'm looking forward to the experiementation.

What does this have to do with me being an illustrator? I'm not really sure. I like to have crafty hobbies. I ain't no Pinterest mom, but I may eventually become one. I'm one of those women who dream of becoming a housewife because I just have SO MANY better things to do than to work. Is that too traditionalist? I don't care. It's me.
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