Expect the Unexpected

While I have been internally screaming since May, job-hunting since April, sweating since June, blowing my nose since January, and have been an emotional mess since July, I have learned a few things. Overall in life, you need to expect the unexpected, and accept that you are not in complete control, that things will happen when they will happen, and that you need to trust God. I've known this my whole life really... I am just reminded of it. A lot.
We are not on our own time; we are on God's time. To me, a year seems like such a long time; 5 years in the future feels like a century! But to God, it is half a second.
Things that have happened / will happen in the past couple of weeks:
- I finished a big illustration commission
- I got accepted for a job! I am staying in the area.
- I applied to a place to live with my best friend and two other girls who seem very nice.
- Learned my dad's cancer has returned and he should start chemo this week
- My family will not be visiting so I am going to try to visit them before I start my new job
- My year in the Franciscan Volunteer Ministry is coming to a close July 20th.
- I start my new job on July 31st.
As an aspiring illustrator in her early to mid twenties, I have had to learn to not rely totally on myself. I want to do everything so I can feel personally accomplished and not like a failure. I feel like I constantly have to meet certain expectations without help to prove I am a successful human being.
Well let me tell you, that's not how being a successful human being works. You need to have some sort of community. There is no way anyone can be a successful human being without having supportive human beings beside them, even if those supportive human beings live over 1000 miles away from you.
I chose to move far away from home because I felt like that's where I needed to be. I needed to live independently and grow in my own way without my parents constantly there, without my brothers there to tease me, without my extended family to pester me with questions about my career and my personal life. I needed space.
And here I am questioning... is 1, 542 miles too much space? Will I ever move back to Texas? Will I be far away from my family forever? But what if my brothers move far away too? Why am I spiraling into what-ifs again?

There are many unknowns ahead of me, more than I thought there ever would be.
I'm glad I am not facing them alone.
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